Men’s Fellowship & Breakfast

Our Redeemer Lutheran Church 10 Johnson Rd (in Chestnut Hill Estates), Newark, DE, United States

Fourth Saturday of Month.  We supply the coffee, bring something to eat.  Discussion, fellowship, service projects and support.

Build A Bag

Our Redeemer Lutheran Church 10 Johnson Rd (in Chestnut Hill Estates), Newark, DE, United States

Join us on each Tuesday to help construct and make sleeping bags for area homeless.   You do no need to […]

Men’s Fellowship & Breakfast

Our Redeemer Lutheran Church 10 Johnson Rd (in Chestnut Hill Estates), Newark, DE, United States

Fourth Saturday of Month.  We supply the coffee, bring something to eat.  Discussion, fellowship, service projects and support.

Men’s Fellowship

We supply the coffee, you bring the breakfast.  How can we make a difference?