LWML focuses on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions.
At Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, we meet quarterly, and all communicant members of the church are automatic members of the LWML. There are no dues to be paid, and mites (coins, dollars or higher amounts) are voluntarily donated, then sent off to help pay for missions around the world.
LWML Sunday 2024

Spring Rally 2024
Delmarva Zone Spring Rally 2024 News:
The Delmarva Zone Spring Rally was held at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church on Saturday, April 20, 2024 for the first time. We were blessed to have over 50 attendees and 4 children. Thanks to our volunteer babysitter who kept them occupied and happy the entire time!
The Devotion was given by Pastor Thress, the Bible Study by Pastor Loesch and the Speaker was Rob Gurnee from Lutheran Community Services.
The ladies did a service craft project called Mini Pocket Prayer Quilts that will be given to the homeless, along with the Sleeping Bags that the Build A Bag group creates.
Our guests were generous and donated 195 pairs of men’s socks, 109 cans of food plus pasta, instant potatoes, peanut butter, 2 qts of milk and several tuna pouches.