Stitched Crosses – Book Review

Book Review
Stitched Crosses: Crusade
By Joshua Rothe
Grail Quest Books, Bangor
221 pages

Joshua Rothe blends history and legend in this story of redemption for Markus, an English lord and Knight Templar. The story begins with his return home in disgrace, bitter with leaders of his order, and feeling the weight of God’s judgment against himself. He is called forth again to the Holy Lands, and he hopes the trip will bring peace to his troubled soul. Everything he tries fails to bring the peace he desires, let alone open the door to return home to the woman he loves. Never fear, the journey ends well as he finally learns it is not by his own efforts that reconciliation and peace is achieved, but by the efforts of Another.

While avoiding archaic language, Rothe does write with a cadence that is reminiscence of an earlier time, giving the book an added air of an old story. For those of you who are history buffs, I know the word “Crusade” in the title is anachronistic, not appearing until the 18th century. Still, it is a good word to help us readers know that the wars being fictionalized here are the ones designed to check the imperial ambitions of the Moslem empires.

The book is a fun read, and I can recommend it. If you are a fan of historical fiction, especially dealing with the middle ages, you will enjoy this book.

Blessings in Christ