But the jurists – with utmost learning, of course – excuse the dissolution of this peace with they teach repelling force with force and declare ostentatiously that one has to uphold what is right, as if it were not the highest right of all to relinquish one’s own right and to give up one’s coat to the enemy who takes it away (Matt. 5:40) and even to throw in the undergarment. In short, it is impossible to uphold the Gospel and the rights of men at the same time. Hence it is impossible for peace to exist at the same time with rights, especially in our age, where the Gospel is nothing and rights are all in all. This is the angel in the Apocalypse who was sent in God’s wrath to take peace from the earth (Rev. 6:4)
Luther, Martin Luther’s Works: volume 27 (Lectures on Galatians 1535. Chapters 5-6; 1519. Chapters 1-6) 375-376