MASK Protocol Relaxed
The Mutual Ministry received questions and concerns about the wearing of masks during church services. They brought these concerns to the monthly Council meeting on Sunday afternoon April 25, 2022. As a result, Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Council has voted to follow the recommendations of the Governor of Delaware concerning the wearing of masks. Going forward, masks are optional but encouraged. We will continue to monitor the state’s recommendation going forward and may pivot as future guidance changes.
Other COVID-19 precautions will stay in place, such as forgoing sharing of the peace and keeping windows and doors open for ventilation. We also are hoping to purchase new fans to help with air circulation. As in the past, neither the heating system, nor air conditioning will run during the services. We will continue to recommend social distancing, and for now, will keep some pews roped off. Several of the Council members plan to continue wearing masks during the services. All members are encouraged to use their own judgement when deciding whether to wear masks. For now, masks will not be required.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the church at 302.737-6176.