A Bedtime Prayer by Wilhelm Loehe

The Lord be with you

LoeheBelow is a bedtime prayer from J.K. Wilhelm Loehe, a 19th century German Lutheran pastor. Though he never left Germany, he had a major impact on the early days of our denomination as he trained “emergency” preachers and sent them on to America. Many of these men became pastors in the Missouri Synod. He was also a great liturgical scholar and his work in that field continues to be influential. We remember January 2 as the Commemoration of J.K. Wilhelm Loehe, Pastor, in the LC-MS.

Almighty and Ever Faithful God, I thank Thee that Thou hast this day so paternally protected me and mine, and kept from us all evil. In Thy name let me now retire to rest, and sleep upon my bed under Thy protection. Pardon, dear Lord, all my sins by which I have this day either consciously or unconsciously offended against and pained Thee. Grant me a quiet night and peaceful sleep, that no terrors overtake me. O Thou, Who keepest Israel, Who neither slumberest nor sleepest, watch over me. Abide with me, for the day is now far spent and evening is at handbedtime prayer. Charge Thy holy angels to be with me, to protect me as a wall of fire about me, that Satan, nor evil dreams, nor any phantasies may disturb me. In the darkness be Thou the light unto my soul, that, though I sleep in darkness, I may have no fear. Let my soul rest in Thee; and, though death seek to embrace me, preserve Thou me in mind and spirit, that I may awaken unto Thee, to be Thine, whether living or dying. I commend unto Thee also all who are mine, my friends and neighbors, together with all my house and home. Grant also, O Lord, unto all who are in distress, sickness, want, sorrow, or temptation, and unto all who without Thy merciful hand find no sleep because of pains in body or soul, that they may enjoy a qjuiet and peaceful night. Preserve us from all evil. Awaken me early in Thy peace, unto the glory of Thy name, and teach me to do Thy pleasure according to Thy will. And when, at last, I close my eyes in death, and fall asleep in blessed communion with Thee, Awaken me again with Joy in the day of the resurrection of all flesh, unto eternal life. Amen.

J.K. Wilhelm Loehe (1808-1872)
Source: For All the Saints, volume 2, year 1 (282-283)

Blessings in Christ,