Preoccupation with Self-Discovery

galatians-andrew-dasCommenting on Galatians 4:1-11, Das writes:

The modern world is obsessed with identity crises. People are constantly seeking to discover their inner selves for self-fulfillment and self-actualization, or they may find their self-worth in their work or achievements. This preoccupation with identity and with the self is an exercise in vanity. God graciously and freely grants the Spirit, who directs the Christian away from a preoccupation with self toward the praise of God as “Abba, Father.” A Christ-centered, God-honoring focus is at the heart of Paul’s letter to the Galatians. Such a focus inevitably leads to the service of other people, especially those of the household of faith (6:10).

Das, A. Andrew Concordia Commentary: Galatians 418