Lent Schedule

Places of the Passion

This Lent, we will gather for a season to reflect on the places of the Passion. We will read through the entire Passion account as told by Luke, a small portion each week, and you won’t be surprised at the story.Places of the Passion logo

It’s a simple story, and you’ve been to these places before. The Upper Room, the Garden of Gethsemane, the halls of Pontius Pilate, the hills of Golgotha—these are the places we remember when we meditate on our Lord’s Passion. Yet when Jesus enters a place, He never leaves it as He finds it. The most troubling places in our lives become the most amazing places of God’s grace when Jesus visits them.

We will see Ash Wednesday (2-10), and every Wednesday during Lent, that no matter where we are in our lives, God is still coming and claiming us as His children. God is still coming, preparing a place at His table for you. That, by the way, is the title for Ash Wednesday’s message: “A Place at the Table for You.”

Each Wednesday during lent will begin at 5:45 PM with a soup supper. Our worship time will begin at 7:00 PM. A sign-up sheet to provide soup for one of the evenings can be found in the narthex.

Ash Wednesday, 2-10
Message: A Place at the Table for You
Luke 22:1-13

Wednesday, 2-17
Message: The Upper Room: A Place of Service
Luke 22:14-38

Wednesday, 2-24
Message: Gethsemane: A Place of Strength
Luke 22:39-46

Wednesday, 3-2
Message: The Betrayal: A Place of Eternal Love
Luke 22:47-53

Wednesday, 3-9
Message: The Courtyard: A Place of Renewal
Luke 22:54-62

Wednesday, 3-16
Message: The Trial: A Place of God’s Will
Luke 22:63-23:25

Maundy Thursday, 3-24
Message: The Last Supper: A Place of Forgiveness
Luke 22:7-23

Good Friday. 3-25
Message: Golgotha: A Place of Simple Love
Luke 23:44-49

Saturday, 3-26
Easter Vigil
Message: A Tomb: A Place of Life
Luke 23:50-56

Easter Sunrise 3-26
Message: Message yet to be determined
John 20:1-18

Easter 10:00 AM, 3-26
Message: The Empty Tomb: A Place of Remembering
Luke 24:1-11