Keep Focused or Get Distracted

SIN CLINGS. THEODORET OF CYR: The models of godliness are set before us on all sides, he is saying, in such vast numbers as to resemble a cloud in density and testify to the power of faith. Accordingly, let us keep our eyes on them, be light on our feet and rid ourselves of the burden of unnecessary worries, in this way being able also to avoid sin that is easy to contract. Before everything else we need perseverance to succeed in the course ahead of us. He said sin “clings” because it is easily contracted and committed: the eye is fascinated, the ear charmed, touch titillated, tongue easily loosened and thought quickly directed to the worst. INTERPRETATION OF HEBREWS 12.

Theodoret of Cyr (c. 393-466) Bishop of Cyr (Cyrrhus), a city in ancient Syria)

Oden, Thomas, General Editor Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: New Testament X: Hebrews 209