When In Rome …

The Lord be with you


I’m sure it comes as no surprise to anyone that I enjoy, and find value in, the liturgical life of the Church. Recently I’ve been reading a new book published by Concordia Publishing House titled Celebrating The Saints. I will review it at a later date. However, I came across the following quote in the devotion for August 27, which is when Monica, Mother of Augustine, is commemorated. She had followed Augustine from North Africa to Rome, and then to Milan. During all this time, she had been praying for the conversion of her son, Augustine. It was the Archbishop of Milan, Ambrose, who was used by God to bring Augustine to faith bringing great joy to Monica.


While in Milan, Monica “also inquired of the Archbishop about the divergent fasting practices she’d encountered between Rome and Milan. The Archbishop’s famous answer to her was, ‘When in Rome, I do as the Romans do.’ In other words, don’t raise scruples about divergent spiritual disciplines, but cheerfully join in whatever you find the Christians doing at a given local.”

Wise words then. Wise words today.

Blessings in Christ,