What is the CTCR?

The Lord be with youctcr 7

ctcr 6Yesterday I posted a review of a “CTCR” report. Many may be wondering, just what is the “CTCR?” Well, “CTCR” stands for the Commission on Theology and Church Relations of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. This commission was established in 1962. It issues various documents relating to theology, church relations, social issues, and organizations. While these reports are not binding, they are very influential as they come from the Synod’s best and brightest selected by a cross-section of our membership.

Thictcr 5s link will take you to a short document describing the CTCR, who is on it, how it functions, and some of their current assignments.

ctcr 4This link will take you to their web page where you can download various documents.


If yoctcr 3u followed the links, you have noticed that there are quite a few documents published, and quite a few in the works. From time to time, I will review some of them and place those reviews on this blog.

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert