Unpacking Jesus’ Name of “Mediator”

[Jesus] is called “Mediator” (1 Tim. 2:5; Heb. 8:6; 9:15; 12:24) with regard to His person and office, for He is the “middle,” that is, the Second Person between the Father and the Holy Spirit; He is the mediator between God and men, divinely appointed from eternity. In the fullness of time, He assumed human nature in which He offereone-mediatord perfect obedience and satisfaction for the sins of the world and in this way reconciled the human race to God the Father. By the power and merit of His obedience and satisfaction, He intercedes for us before the Father. For these reasons, He is always found in the middle as the true mediator. He was born “in the middle of the night” (as some claim from Wisdom 18:14); He suffers “in the middle of the world,” that is, in Jerusalem, which was situated at the midpoint of earth (Ps. 74:12). He was crucified in the midst of thieves, He died in the middle between heaven and earth, namely, hanging in the air. After His resurrection He stood “in the midst of His disciples” (John 20:19). He promises that He will be in the midst of them when two or three are gathered together (Matt. 18:20). He walks in the midst of the golden candlesticks, that is, of the churches (Rev. 1:13), so that, like the heart in the middle, He distributes the Spirit and power into all the parts of His mystical Body.

Johann Gerhard On Christ 26