How to Find Older Posts

The Lord be with youWhere is it

We have nearly 200 posts on our blog. The number keeps growing almost daily. When you go to the home page of our internet presence, only the most recent posts are listed (maybe four of them). You may want to read an older post, are refer a friend to an older post. The following directions will allow you to find any of the posts.

1. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. You will see a column titled “RECENT POST”. Click on any one of them.

2. This will take you to that specific post. On the right-hand side of the page are various categories you can click on (Next Event; Recent Post; Blog Categories; etc.) Under “Blog Categories” you will see the words “All Posts”. Click on “All Posts.”

3. This will take you to a listing of all the posts that have ever been placed on our blog. Currently there are nineteen pages reaching back to the first post made January 14, 2015! (That is before I arrived.)

So, if you want to share the sermon “Let Us Pray” with someone, you can find it. If you want to catch-up on the Revelation class, you can find them. Can’t quite remember some book review? You can find it. Want to refresh your memory concerning some saint day? You can find the post.

Blessings in Christ,