Heathens For Jesus

The Lord be with you

The Bible records Noah as having three sons, Ham (also known as Canaan because that it the area his descendants settled), Shem and Japheth. In Genesis 9:25-27, Noah pronounced his final words concerning his sons. Shem receives the best blessing, being designated the ancestor of Jesus. Japheth, who becomes the ancestor of the “heathen,” is told he will “dwell in the tents of Shem.” Herberger finds in these words a revelation concerning how successful the Gospel will be, especially among the “heathen.”

Who was first concerned about Your [Jesus] birth in Jerusalem? In truth, it was the heathen from the east. That was but the vanguard. Yet when Your disciples proclaimed You throughout heathendom, the rest came in droves, as seen in St. Paul’s epistles. Not only were simple bricklayers friendly and receptive to Your Gospel, but so were mighty rulers. Philip was the first Christian emperor. After that, Constantine the Great. Jovinian accepted the Christian faith, and by his princely example led a powerful army to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. How widely the Church is spread throughout the world in our own time! The pious emperor Maximilian, in the throes of death, would hear nothing but the precious merit of Jesus Christ. Elector Augustus, as a lord who believed in Christ, hoped merely to be a blister on His foot in eternal life. His mother, the lady Katharina, wanted to cling to her Lord Jesus like a burr to a frock. Many other such famous examples could be mentioned. Oh Lord Jesus Christ, single Treasure of my soul, I am a poor Japhethite, and my grandfathers were heathens, too. Yet I know that in You I shall be blessed. You have called me by the Gospel into the tents of Shem, the fellowship of Your true Christian Church. I have confessed You: You are “my Lord and my God” [John 20:28]. You are the Most Blessed forever. Oh, let me be faithful here and blest forever! In this world let me dwell in the tents of Your Church with a true faith and good conscience, and hereafter abide continually in the eternal tents not made by human hands! Amen, Lord Jesus, Savior of all, Redeemer of both Jew and heather! Amen.

Herberger, Valerius The Great Works of God: Parts One and Two: The Mysteries of Christ in the Book of Genesis, Chapters 1-15 344