God’s Love, More than Infinite

The Lord be with you

When you contemplate the height of the heavens, think in your heart: Dear Lord Jesus, how staggering its height is! Astronomers estimate it at 65,237,500 miles. Oh Lord Jesus, now I am reminded of the words in Psalm 103:11: “As high as heaven is above the earth, so great is His mercy toward those who fear Him”; and when Psalm 57:10 says, “Your mercy is as high as the heavens,” the Hebrew reads, “beyond the heavens.” You gave the heavens such a vault that I might have an image of Your unfathomable love and mercy. Your grace is not merely as high as the heavens, but higher than the heavens. You are pure love, as John says: “God is love” (1 John 4:8); and; “Your mercy is as great as You Yourself are” (Sir. 2:18). (Herberger, Valerius The Great Works of God: Parts One and Two: The Mysteries of Christ in the Book of Genesis, Chapters 1-16 71)

Valeriuds Herberger wrote the above in the early 17th century. I love the quote for many reasons. The smallest reason is that he does not canonize the current scientific opinion of how high the heavens are. He does, though, use what the current astronomers believed as a superb example of the greatness of Christ’s love for us. But I love it even more because the example is so easily updated. Astronomers now believe that the heavens have no end. Well … that would mean that God’s love and mercy is greater than having no end. If you could go beyond infinite, you will still not be beyond Christ’s grace. Now that is a great thing to ponder as you gaze into the night sky.

Blessings in Christ,