Commemoration of CFW Walther, Theologian

Commemoration of C.F.W. Walther, Theologian
May 7

The Lord be with you

Today is the Commemoration of C.F.W. Walther, Theologian. Carl Ferdinand Wilhelm Walther (October 25, 1811 – May 7, 1887) is sometimes called the “Father of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.” He was ordained in 1837, and soon found himself in disagreement with the religious policies of the political state. Something called the “Prussian Union” was being forced on the German people, including Saxony, which basically kept the name “Lutheran” but insisted on “Reformed” theology. Ministers who continued in the Lutheran Faith would be jailed, have their property confiscated, and in other ways persecuted. Under the leadership of Martin Stephan, Walther, along with 600 others, emigrated from Saxony, in 1839 and settled in Missouri. When serious questions were raised about Stephan, his leadership ended, leaving Walther as one of the ablest ministers. He served as a pastor of several congregations in St. Louis, founded Concordia Seminary, and in 1847 was instrumental in formation of the German Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States (later renamed The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod). Walther served as the Synod’s first president from 1847 to 1850 and again from 1864 to 1878 as the third president. Walther worked tirelessly to promote confessional Lutheran teaching and doctrinal agreement among all Lutherans in the United States. He was a prolific writer and speaker, and among his most influential works are Church and Ministry and The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel. He also was responsible for the periodicals Der Lutheraner and Lehre und Wehre. These two publications were very influential in bringing together the founding churches of the LC-MS. Often a congregation would be isolated and could think they were the only Lutherans in America. Then they would find a copy of Der Lutheraner and realize there were others out there, and seek to contact them.

Due to his key role in helping to found a confessional Lutheran denomination, Walther’s passion for reaching the lost with the message of Christ is often overlooked. While all agree that the LC-MS experienced exponential growth under Walther, some seem to think all the church did was build a building, put up a sign, and Germans flocked in. Overlooked is that many of those Germans actually left German lands to escape the Church. There were as many anti-Christian German newspapers in St. Louis, in the days of Walther, as there were pro-Christian newspapers. Walther was passionate about reaching the lost with the Gospel and that was a big part of why the LC-MS grew so rapidly. In addressing the church in convention, Walther said;

… what would happen if we really would make the saving of souls the ultimate purpose, the end and aim of our joint work?

… what an influence it will be on our dear congregations and their pastors and on their relationship toward one another if all acknowledge the saving of souls as the end and aim of our joint work! They will all pull, as peacefully as they do zealously, on the same yoke. Even though all kinds of strife-causing questions might arise – yet the question: “Which course is best for the salvation of souls?” will quickly give the right solution. … Then our dear congregations will say to one another, as Abraham said to Lot: “Let there be not strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdsmen and thy herdsmen; for we are brethren …” (Gen. 13:8f.). Whatever will win the most souls for Christ, that would decide between us. …

Walther died and was buried in St. Louis, Missouri.

Appropriate prayers include:

• For courage and faith to remain faithful to the truth
• For the use of media (print or other) to spread the Gospel
• For the LC – MS, and her leaders
• For our seminaries
• For passion to reach the lost
• That all governments might let the Gospel be freely preached

Collect for the Commemoration of CFW Walther, Theologian
Lord Jesus, You who perfectly demonstrated how to keep both faithfulness to Divine truth and faithfulness to the Divine call to bring salvation to the lost, we give You thanks that Your servant CFW Walther demonstrated that same balance in his faith towards You and fervent love for others. Grant that we, too, may be faithful in both doctrine and in mission; we ask this in Your name, who with the Father and the Spirit are one Lord, one God. Amen.

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor John Rickert