Christ Suits the Five Senses of the Soul

He [Christ] is called the true Light, therefore, so that the soul’s eyes may have something to [en]lighten them. He is the Word, so that her [the soul’s] ears may have something to hear. Again, He is the Bread of life, so that the soul’s palate may have something to taste. And in the same way, He is called the spikenard or ointment, that the soul’s sense of smell may apprehend the fragrance of the Word. For the same reason He is said also to be able to be felt and handled, and is called the Word made flesh, so that the hand of the interior soul may touch concerning the Word of Life.

Kleing, John Concordia Commentary: Hebrews 277-278
Quoting: Origen, The Song of Songs: Commentary and Homilies, 2.9, on Song 1:12b (ACW 26:126)